SP Group provides HUD with analytic support services for the American Housing Survey (AHS). To that end we produce reports for HUD that analyze AHS data regarding HUD-assisted renter population and the housing units that they rent. SP Group conducts data analytics by combining data from HUD and the U.S. Census Bureau to characterize the 4.5 million HUD-assisted rental units. We examine the rental stock to report on how it has changed over the past thirty years. A sample of our work under this contract can be accessed using the links below. These reports demonstrate the findings based on 2015 and 2017 AHS data. Follow the links to find the Characteristics Report for 2015 and the Characteristics Report for 2017.
We also study the changes in the characteristics of housing stock nationwide using the AHS and summarize our findings in a report called the Components of Inventory Change (CINCH). Our study found that the total housing stock increased by 2.6 million units during 2015-2017. For more information on the characteristics of the changes in the housing units and their occupants between 2015 and 2017, read our CINCH reports on HUD’s website.