SP Group is very proud to announce that, for the second year, we were a sponsor of the Association of Public Data Users (APDU) 2018 Annual Conference!
We also organized and moderated the panel “Making Connections: Linking Data to Solve Public Problems“. Our panel was about how private and administrative data can supplement or enhance nationally collected public data. How are different organizations building new data sets by linking them to available public data to solve important problems? How can we improve the ways we provide, share and utilize data in the policy-making context? Our speakers included:
Data Provider. Jim DeMarke, a senior data engineer at Experian, will highlight client success stories of supplementing federal data with Experian data including the pairing of Experian data with FEMA data to identify vulnerable areas after flooding.
Data Connector. Patrick McGarry the Head of Community at data.world, will join our panel to discuss how data.world helps people solve problems faster by creating new ways to discover, prep, and share data.
Data Interpreter. Aaron Klein, economist and former deputy assistant secretary for economic policy at the Treasury Department. Aaron will discuss the role of data in policy making and how he has utilized data to solve public problems.